DMGフォースの事業概要 Business Overview DMG for Socality













【販売事業】 国内海外の「本物商品」のダイレクトの商流を作る。以下扱い商品例
  • 国内外・メーカー商品:業務用向け商品
  • 食品・雑貨:「ふるさと名物」商品販売。
【協業サービス受託事業】 事業の支援・共同事業コーディネート
  • CRMセンター・コールセンター構築
  • ネット販売支援&業務用販路開拓支援受託
  • 販売店リテールサポート業務の構築・運営
  • 通販会社の既存客に対するアウトバウンド業務の受託
  • 有店舗アパレル企業の既存顧客へのCRM・来店促進受託
  • 運営代行/地域モールの開発 

[Regional activation business/ leader development business] Regional human resource development activities and creation of regional businesses based on the two axes and four quadrants of regional development (sustainability: creation of regional human resources organizations and creation of new businesses). Making special products and improving the sales system.Development of career education programs for local and educational institutions.


Example: Kanagawa Prefectural Dual System Pilot Project: Development of a year-round practical training curriculum at a local company, corporate coordination, and demand implementation support for specialized high schools. (April 2020-)


[Data analytics business] data-driven marketing, big data consulting, business model innovation .



[ Sales ]

We make the commercial distribution of  "real products"


Japan leading investment company:Handling as a supplement distributor of bio-Pharmaceutical company

Vietnam leading coffee brands company : coffee products  for Japan.

China the famous  chili oil brands company: seasoning products  for Japan.

Local governments : shopping mall products for sale

Big car manufacturer : developing cosmetics products under license offer , sale


[ Collaboration  , BPO Business]

Well-established processed food manufacturers : e-commerce support and B2B channel development.

major financial investment company:Dealer support 

outbound ,CRM


[ Overseas ]

Japan market entry support of foreign companies

Expansion into China, Vietnam and other Asian countries